How to Uninstall or Remove Broken Package in Linux?

Many times it happens that when you try to uninstall a package you encounter an error and the package cannot be uninstalled. This happens when the package is broken. To overcome this issue, we remove the post files of the package to make things work. in this article we are going to learn how to

How to Create a server in Hetzner?

Creating a new server in Hetzner is a very easy process. In this article, I am going to tell you how easily you can create a server in Hetzner? You can create a server on the Hetzner cloud easily by following this article. Hetzner is a service provider that provides you Hetzner dedicated server, Hetzner VPS server,

How to install MailScanner on CyberPanel?

How to install MailScanner on CyberPanel?

To install MailScanner on CyberPanel is very easy and a few click process. MailScanner is one of the core requirements for the email system now. And CyberPanel has a MailScanner which you can install from the CyberPanel dashboard. In CyberPanel MailScanner is done by the community and this feature have a goof version but i

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