How to uninstall ImunifyAV from your server?

ImunifyAV is not suitable for every server and maybe sometimes you need to uninstall ImunifyAV from your server to work properly. In this short article, I will try to explain how to uninstall ImunifyAV from your server using few commands. So follow the process along with me to remove imunifyAV from your server. Step 1:

CyberPanel Features List

This article will discuss the CyberPanel features list. All the features discussed in detail. This CyberPanel features list has all the features CyberPanel has. CyberPanel Dasboard: After login, you come to the base page, which is the CyberPanel dashboard. On the dashboard, you can see a sidebar on the left side, in this sidebar you

How To Uninstall Or Stop ImunifyAV?

What is ImunifyAV? A lot of users install ImunifyAV but after some issue, if they want to uninstall they do not know how to do this. Here in this article, we will tell you How To Uninstall Or Stop ImunifyAV? ImunifyAV – an intelligent antivirus and security monitoring tool for websites with one-click automatic malware

How to solve the can’t upload the file on file manager issue in CyberPanel?

if you are uploading a file on file manager in CyberPanel. and getting some error there. Follow this short solution for can’t upload the file on CyberPanel file manager. Solution There is very easy and short solution for this issue. Access your root through Bitvise or putty open your terminal(CLI) and run this Command This

How to install OpenLiteSpeed on Centos?

Do you know how to install OpenLiteSpeed on Centos? First of all, I would like to tell you that what is OpenLiteSpeed? I know most of you know that what is OpenLiteSpeed but it’s my habit to discuss things before going to deep. So OpenLiteSpeed is the Open Source edition of LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise.

How to Install CyberPanel On Centos?

How to install CyberPanel? I know everyone who came on this article will know that what is CyberPanel and want to know how to install CyberPanel. Some of you have basic knowledge and some are experts hehe. But If you are totally new here then let me tell you that CyberPanel is a control panel.