How WordPress automatically approving comments?

Comments are a very important part and a way to increase engagement with your site. some sites allow auto commenting and some sites don’t allow that both have their own views about this In this article, we will learn about WordPress automatically approving comments. how is WordPress automatically approving comments enabled? What are WordPress comments?

How to force redirect HTTP to HTTPS website in CyberPanel?

In this article we will tell you how to force redirect HTTP to HTTPS website in CyberPanel? What is HTTP? HTTP stand foe Hypertext Transport Protocol. When you enter http:// in your address bar in front of domain, it tells the browser to connect over HTTP. HTTP use TCP(Transmission control protocol), generally over port 80,

Redis One-Click Install through CyberPanel

Redis One-Click Install through CyberPanel

Do you know now from CyberPanel version 2.0.3 you can install Redis on your server using one click? Here we will tell you one-click Redis install through CyberPanel. Now CyberPanel made the installation and use of Redis cache on your server very easy. Redis is an open-source cache used to cache databases, and is used

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