How to uninstall ImunifyAV from your server?

ImunifyAV is not suitable for every server and maybe sometimes you need to uninstall ImunifyAV from your server to work properly. In this short article, I will try to explain how to uninstall ImunifyAV from your server using few commands. So follow the process along with me to remove imunifyAV from your server. Step 1:

How to force redirect HTTP to HTTPS website in CyberPanel?

In this article we will tell you how to force redirect HTTP to HTTPS website in CyberPanel? What is HTTP? HTTP stand foe Hypertext Transport Protocol. When you enter http:// in your address bar in front of domain, it tells the browser to connect over HTTP. HTTP use TCP(Transmission control protocol), generally over port 80,

How to Setup Catch-All Email Account in Postfix?

Do you want to catch-all emails in postfix? Does missing emails due to misspelling addresses bothered you? Then this article is for you. A catch-all email account is used to get all emails sent from every email account of your domain. No matter that email account exists or someone misspelled that email. Catch-all is usually