How to add live chat on WordPress Website – Integrate Tawk.To Live Chat to WordPress

How to add live chat on WordPress Website – Integrate Tawk.To Live Chat to WordPress

In this Article I am going to share my personal experience that how i added the Live Chat in my WordPress Site. After reading you come to know how to add live chat on WordPress Website.

This tutorial is basically my personal experience that how I integrate live chat on my WordPress Website. So without wasting time lets start tutorial.

Steps to add live chat on WordPress:

  • Add Plugin to your WordPress website.
  • Create account on Tawk.To Live Chat
  • Integrate Tawk.To with your website.

Step 1: Add Plugin to your WordPress website:

The first thing to do during the process of setup Live chat on your website. You have to add Tawk.To Live Chat WordPress plugin on your WordPress.

You can add this plugin using different ways. You can follow this guide to add tawk.To plugin on your WordPress website. Click Here to follow guide.

Add WordPress Plugin on your Website.

Once plugin is added to your WordPress site. Now you have to check your plugin here.

Now go to Setting-> option.

Setting-> Settings

This page need some details from your account. its time to signup on

Steps 2: Create account on Tawk.To Live Chat

To configure your with your WordPress site you need to create account on there platfrom first.

To create your account please click here.

  1. Click on the signup button and provide all required details. Provide all the following details EMAIL, NAME, PASSWORD.
signup button and add live chat on WordPress Websit
Sign up on

If all of your information is correct then next screen appears that ask you to chose the Language for your live chat like i chose ENGLISG US.

chose the Language
Language Selection for

After the selection of language click on Create Property and provide Property Details.

  1. Site Name
  2. Site URL
  3. Widget Name
Property Details
Property Details

Click on Team Members button and add there details.

Team Members
Team Members

Your email is default admin for your account but if you want to add someone else you can add.

Now you will asked to select type of your website and widget. you can add on this screen and click on done.

Install Wiidget
Install Widget

Once process completed you can see take a tour screen.

take a tour and know to add live chat on WordPress Websit
take a tour

Step 3: Integrate Tawk.To with your website:

You have to integrate your account to your website now.

Go to the Settings-> Add email and password for your account that you created in last step.


Now after sign in you have to select property that you created there on account to enable live chat on your wordpress site.

live chat on your wordpress site
Select a property

You can visit the dashboard from here also.


Now if you visit your site you can see this option for live chat on your WordPress site.

live chat on your WordPress site.
Live chat on your WordPress site.

Read More: How to set up Google Drive Backup on CyberPanel?

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How to Integrate Google AdMob to your React Native Application?

Do you want to integrate your AdMob to React Native Application?

If you want to earn from your React Native Applications you need to integrate AdMob with your React Native Application. So Google AdMobs helps you to earn from your applications.

Mostly React Native Packages are installed using a single command. In this article, i will tell you the simplest way to install, Integrate, and use AdMob in your react native application.

Create AdMob Account:

First of all you must have a AdMob account. Go to this Article and check how you can create Admob account. The process of creating Admob account is very straight and simple. In this Article All steps are mentioned and described briefly.

How to Install React Native AdMob:

For the integration of Admob with react native first of all we have to Install React native AdMob in your project its is very easy to do so here we discuss the steps :

There are different packages to integrate Admob with your React Native Project but here I discuss that one which I personally use and I think have easy integration than Others.

React-native-admob is bossily a react-native module for Google AdMob Banners, Interstitials, and Rewarded Videos, and also DFP Banners. To install this module Run the command stated below.

npm i @talaikis/react-native-admob

In older versions of React native, you need to configure this module manually but now This fork is a working version for RN 0.60+. Don’t link this package, auto-linking works fine. No need to do extra linking at all.

Open your already created application and install this module using the line stated above.

Open your already created application and install this module using the line stated above.

Once installation process is done. Nothing to do other than this.

React native AdMob Types:

React native AdMob Allows four types of Ads units for its user:

  • AdMobBanner,
  • AdMobInterstitial,
  • PublisherBanner,
  • AdMobRewarded,


AdMobBanner is the Banner Add for your Application you can add it as sticky location on at any place on any page of your applicatio.

To read more about this click here.


import {
 } from 'react-native-admob'

// Display a banner
  onAdFailedToLoad={error => console.error(error)}


This type of React-native AdMob has imperative API. You can use this at any function call.

To ready more Click Here.


import {
} from '@talaikis/react-native-admob';

  componentDidMount() {

  AdMobInterstitial.addEventListener('adLoaded', () =>
    console.log('AdMobInterstitial adLoaded'),
  AdMobInterstitial.addEventListener('adFailedToLoad', error =>
  AdMobInterstitial.addEventListener('adOpened', () =>
    console.log('AdMobInterstitial => adOpened'),
  AdMobInterstitial.addEventListener('adClosed', () => {
    console.log('AdMobInterstitial => adClosed');
    AdMobInterstitial.requestAd().catch(error => console.warn(error));
  AdMobInterstitial.addEventListener('adLeftApplication', () =>
    console.log('AdMobInterstitial => adLeftApplication'),

  AdMobInterstitial.requestAd().catch(error => console.warn(error));

componentWillUnmount() {

showInterstitial() {
  AdMobInterstitial.showAd().catch(error => console.warn(error));

  componentWillUnmount() {


This is just Like AdMobBanner with the addition of 2 extra properties:

Click here for more details:


import {
  } from 'react-native-admob'
  onAdFailedToLoad={error => console.error(error)}
  onAppEvent={event => console.log(,}


In comparison to the AdMobBanner and PublisherBanner which have a declaritive API, the AdMobRewarded has an imperative API, just like the AdMobInterstitial.

Click Here to read more:


import {
  } from 'react-native-admob';

componentDidMount() {
  AdMobRewarded.setAdUnitID('your ad unit');

  AdMobRewarded.addEventListener('rewarded', reward =>
    console.log('AdMobRewarded => rewarded', reward),
  AdMobRewarded.addEventListener('adLoaded', () =>
    console.log('AdMobRewarded => adLoaded'),
  AdMobRewarded.addEventListener('adFailedToLoad', error =>
  AdMobRewarded.addEventListener('adOpened', () =>
    console.log('AdMobRewarded => adOpened'),
  AdMobRewarded.addEventListener('videoStarted', () =>
    console.log('AdMobRewarded => videoStarted'),
  AdMobRewarded.addEventListener('adClosed', () => {
    console.log('AdMobRewarded => adClosed');
    AdMobRewarded.requestAd().catch(error => console.warn(error));
  AdMobRewarded.addEventListener('adLeftApplication', () =>
    console.log('AdMobRewarded => adLeftApplication'),

  AdMobRewarded.requestAd().catch(error => console.warn(error));



componentWillUnmount() {

showRewarded() {
  AdMobRewarded.showAd().catch(error => console.warn(error));

How to change Upload Limit on CyberPanel? Increase or decrease Upload Size through CyberPanel?

How to create a staging or clone of the WordPress site from CyberPanel?

Sometime you may need to create a clone or staging site of your WordPress site to make changes and test them. CyberPanel allows to create staging or clone site easily.

In this article, I will tell you how you can create a staging or clone of your WordPress site from CyberPanel.

You can create a staging site from CyberPanel and after doing that you can merge it back to the Original or master site.

Always keep backup before doing anything. So if you lost anything you can restore. The process of creating a staging site is very easy to follow along to do so.

Create a Clone or create a Staging for your site:

Step 1: Log in to CyberPanel and Go to Manage Website

Create a clone or staging site in cyberpanel is very easy. I will write the steps below to do so.

The first thing to do is login to your cyberpaner using your credentials on port 8090.

Then go to the Websites->List Websites->Manage

 login to your cyberpaner using your credentials on port 8090

Step 2: Create a clone or Staging site

In the manage Dashboard, you can see the CLONE/STAGING button press that to process.

Create a clone or Staging site

Add the Domain name which you want to use as staging or clone.

Add the Domain name which you want to use as staging or clone

It will take some time and once staging is done it will show you this screen.

It will take some time and once staging is done it will show you this screen

Now you must have to set A records for the staging domain you create Like Visit your DNS manager and add A record for this staging site. No need to add any other records. A record is enough for staging.

In cyberpanel got to Websites->List Child Domains you can check the staging site.

Push back, Copy or sync site to Master:

Once you did all changes to staging and now you want to sync the staging back with the master site CyberPanel allows to do this very easy to do so follow steps:

Go to the Websites-> List Child Domains:

Now on this page, you can see your staging site press the Manage button in front of your site.

you can see your staging site press the Manage button in front of your site

Now you are in the management dashboard of the staging site. You can see COPY/SYNC TO MASTER from here you can push back your staging to the original.

You can see COPY/SYNC TO MASTER from here you can push back your staging to the original.

Here you can chose the options:

  1. Copy complete Data
  2. Sync Database
  3. Copy Changed Files
Copy complete Data

Chose any option from them according to your requirement. Once the process of sync or coping is done now go back to your original site and check the changes if you have any cache plugin clear cache and then check the changes.

How to set up Google Drive Backup on CyberPanel?