Common Types of Client Side Errors

In this article, we are going to write a short detail about some common client side errors. Here we added a very short detail and a few errors.

Common Types of Client Side Errors

  1. 400 Bad Request Error
  2. 401 Unauthorized Error
  3. 404 Not found Error
  4. 403 Permisions Error

1. 400 Bad Request Error:

This error indicates that the user’s request contains incorrect syntax.
How to Fix 400 Bad Request Errors:

a. Check the Submitted URL
b. Clear Browser Cache
c. Clear Browser Cookies
d. File Upload Exceeds Server Limit
e. Clear DNS Cache
f. Deactivate Browser Extensions

2. 401 Unauthorized Error:

This error indicates that the requested file requires authentication (a username and password). Only authorized persons can access otherwise occur this Error.

3. 404 Not Found:

This error indicates that the page you were trying to reach on a website couldn’t be found on their server.
How to Fix 400 Bad Request Errors:
a. Reload the page
b. Check the URL
c. check the directory levels or root
d. Delete the browser cache and cookies
e. Contact the website

4. 403 Forbidden

This error indicates that the server will not allow the visitor to access the requested file. If a visitor receives this code unexpectedly, you should check the file’s permission settings, or check whether the file has been protected.

403 error

Here you can read How to log in to the Rainloop admin dashboard?

Read More: How to Change Upload limit On CyberPanel?

How to Change Upload limit On CyberPanel?

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How to create a Database in CyberPanel?

If you want to create a Database in CyberPanel. And do not know how to do this you are on right place read this article to know how you can create a new DataBase on CyberPanel for your Website.

Table of Contents:

  1. Login to CyberPanel
  2. Create New Database
  3. Access Database

Login to CyberPanel:

First of all visi the CyberPanel login URL to login to your CyberPanel it must be with port 8090, Look like:


Provide username and password and login to your CyberPanel dashboard.

CyberPanel Login

Create New Database:

Once you logged in go to the Database->Create Database: in the left menu.

Create New Database
Create New Database

On this create database page you have to select the domain for which you want to create a new database.

select domain
select domain

Now screen ask you to provide the details for database.

  1. Username
  2. Database name
  3. Password
provide the details for database
Provide the Details for Database

When you press Create Database button this will create a new one for you on your server.

you can also list the database for any of your site on sever from Database-> List Database then select the domain and you can see the list.

list the database
list database

Access Database:

To access your database you created you have to go to Database-> PHPMYADMIN. Then press Access Now button.

You can see the PHPMyAdmin screen now. Where you can see all database for all domains. You can check the database your created and do any operation you want to do on this database.

Read more: How to create, delete and manage Child Domains in CyberPanel?

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Redis One-Click Install through CyberPanel

Redis One-Click Install through CyberPanel

Do you know now from CyberPanel version 2.0.3 you can install Redis on your server using one click? Here we will tell you one-click Redis install through CyberPanel.

Now CyberPanel made the installation and use of Redis cache on your server very easy.

Redis is an open-source cache used to cache databases, and is used as a message broker. Nowadays it is very important to use cache and boost your website. CyberPanel helps you to do this.

One-Click Redis install Through CyberPanel:

Follow these steps to setup Redis on your server.

  1. Login to CyberPanel
  2. One-Click Redis Install
  3. Install Redis PHP extension
  4. Setup Redis on WordPress using LS Cache

Login to CyberPanel:

Login to your CyberPanel using the credentials. Follow the link with port 8090.


One-Click Redis Install:

To install Redis on your server you have to go to the Manage Services->Application -> Redis then you can see the install button there. Click that and your Redis installed.

Redis Install

Now your Redis is installed and you have to install PHP extension to run properly.

Install Redis PHP extension:

Now go to the PHP-> Install Extension Then you have to select PHP version for which you want to install Redis Extension. You can also follow this link.

PHP Extension

Now search redis on the search bar and you can see redis PHP extension press the Install button and everything is good to go.


Setup Redis on WordPress using LS Cache:

Now it’s time to setup Redis on your WordPress site. We will tell you here how you can setup Redis on your WordPress site without any extra plugin. Ls cache plugin will all do for you. Let’s begin how to do.

  1. Go to the LiteSpeed Cache -> Cache option in the left menu
  2. Then go to the Object
  3. Turn on object Cache and set method to Redis
  4. Change port to 6379 and press save
  5. You can check here if the Redis extension and connection test are passed then it’s good to go.

Read more: How to create, delete and manage Child Domains in CyberPanel?

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Factors Affecting WordPress website page Speed

Factors Affecting WordPress website page Speed

Here in this article we are going to discuss Factors Affecting WordPress website page Speed.

Do you like websites which take some time to load? Do you want to visit again on site on which you wait for page to open?

I think no one like to wait for loading of slow sites. Users always want a quick response from the website. After clicking the link they don’t want to wait and waste their time.

Above is the user perspective now if we come to the website owner’s view, the owner never wants to lose his/her visitor from the site. But we know there are a large number of things which affect page speed and load of our website. We know it is not possible to list all but we mention a few things that are common for this.

Factors Affecting WordPress website page Speed
Factors Affecting WordPress website page Speed

What do we learn in this article?

  1. What is page load and speed?
  2. Why Page speed and load is important?
  3. Factors Affecting WordPress Website Loading Speed.
    1. Unoptimized images
    2. Irrelevant, extra, and outdated Plugins and themes
    3. Cache Plugin and its configurations.
    4. Extra and unoptimized CSS and JS.
    5. Hosting server
  4. How to check Page speed?
  5. How to solve the problems stated above?

What is page load time and speed?

Page speed is the loading speed for your page. It mean that how fast your page loads for your user. Acutely the time between the click by user and the view of page.

You can say that page speed is the page load time or time taken for the first bit. Site speed and page speed are two different things but sometimes we mixed both as one.

Now if we look at load time, Load time is the total time taken to download whole page and display it. When the whole content is there then we can say that this is the load time for our page.

Why Page speed and load is important?

As we know that now the internet is going fast and fast every day. With the increasing speed of the internet websites also need to be fast. As we no if your site is slow then there is no space for your website.

Now users want that website to load fast. So he can get his result as soon as possible. The important issue with having a slow website is that your users will often lose patience and leave. But this is not your user that wants this there are a lot of other important things for which your page speed is important.

Website ranking depends upon different things and these all relate to your page speed. If you want to rank high your site you need to improve your bounce rate, SEO, etc. Google as well as other search engines check all these things.

If your website is fast google always prefer fast site. In this way your SEO score will improve and when your SEO took you up visitor come and they will navigate between the page if your site is fast. This will improve your bounce rate.

Factors Affecting WordPress Website Loading Speed:

There are a large number of factor that affects your website page speed and make it slow here we will discuss the most common factor that affects the page speed. So stay with us to check these:

1: Unoptimized images

The most common mistake that people makes which cause there site slow Is the use of unoptimized images you create an image and upload it without optimizing it is not a good move. You must optimize your image before upload it on your site.

Use of unoptimized images is one of the common mistake made by most of us. We will also discuss how to overcome this issue later.

2: Irrelevant, extra, and outdated Plugins and themes

One of the big reason of getting site slow in WordPress user. The use of irrelevant, extra, outdated and pirated plugins. Sometime people see any new plugin and install it to test and they didn’t remove it, this thing slow down your site. There are also some user who like to use pirated plugin because they don’t want to pay for it that thing is very bad for their speed and security.

Many of us usually don’t like to update plugin scar of being destroy settings. More you have these thing more your site is slow.

When you install WordPress some Default themes also come with that. Most of the user never touch them and also never delete that make more load on server and cause site slow.

3: Cache Plugin and its configurations:

Use of cache plugin is very important to speed up your site. There are a lot of Cache plugin in market you can use them. There are a lot of free and also paid too. Use of cache plugin is is good but the important thing you have to configure it in right way. if you don’t know how to configure it then using this cause extra plugin only.

4: Extra and unoptimized CSS and JS:

The main function or propose to use cache plugin is to optimize extra and unoptimized CSS and JS. But where did it come. Acutely most of WordPress users like to buy ready made themes instant of making there own and all. They buy theme and plugin from any where and use it.

But the bad thing is that themes are not according to your requirement theme and plugin fulfill yours but also have a lot of extra and unoptimized JS and CSS files that caused the slow site issue.

6: Hosting server:

Chose of hosting is one of another important affect on site speed. If you have a big and high traffic site and you host it at a shared plan. then you cant get the required speed.

There are also other things which you need to keep in mind while selecting host. Like if your visitor are from India and your site is hosted in US then this is also a very bad move.

How to check Page speed?

There are a lot of ways to check Page speed of your website. Here we discuss some common page speed tools with are commonly used to check the performance of your website.

Google PageSpeed Insights:

Google PageSpeed Insights
Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights is one of the simple and most powerful tool to check the page speed of any website. It gives you both Mobile and Desktop page speed score. So you can easily check and compare the performance of your website.

This Google PageSpeed Insights also give you the issues details and this is very important for your SEO term.

GT Metrix:

GT Metrix:
GT Metrix

This is an other tool that helps you to check your page speed and helps you to improve you site speed and ranking. GTMatrix is also a great tool to check the performance of you site click here to visit GTMatix and check you page speed.

Pingdom Speed Test:

Pingdom Speed Test:
Pingdom Speed Test

Pingdom Speed Test is also a speed test tool. They says that they are cost effective and reliable uptime and performance monitoring provider for your website. They give you a kind of brief and detailed report about your website.

Web Page Test:

Web Page Test:
Web Page Test

This tool is not simple as other this a a tool which give you a detailed view about your website. But this tool worth look. This will give you information about the Security, First Byte, Keep-Live, Compress transfer, Cache static etc.

There are also many other tools but for now we will discuss only these.

How to solve the problems stated above?

AT the last of this article we will tell you how you can solve the problem stated above.

Optimize your Unoptimized images:

You have a lot of options to optimize your images, you can optimize you images using different ways like you can optimize before and after uploading we will give you name of some plugins and methods through which you can optimize your images before and after uploading to the site.

Optimize your images before upload:

You can optimize your images before uploading. This is one of the core factor from the factors affecting WordPress website page Speed.

The optimize your images there are few basic thing you have to take care of, Like always use JPG, webp, etc. versions of image files instant of using PNG.

This is a good and intelligent move to optimize images before uploading it on live site. You can optimize your Images before upload using differnt tools. I will state some of them here.

  1. Pixler Online Editor
  2. Adobe Photo Shop
  3. Image optimizer
  4. Tiny PNG
  5. Optimizilla

You can optimize your images before uploading using these tools and editors. there are large number of tutorials to do so. Go get any of these tools and optimize your image before upload.

Optimize your images before upload
Optimize your images before upload

Optimize Images Through Plugins:

Better move is you can upload optimize images but if you didn’t do that and after upload you fell that you have to optimize these so in this case you can now optimize your images using plugin.

Here I will mention some plugin through which you can easily optimize your images. Even you have old images and you want to optimize them.

  1. Smush
  2. Optimole
  3. ShortPixel Image Optimizer
  4. Ls Cache
  5. Imagify

Using these plugins you can easily optimize your images by just following some steps.

Optimize Images Through Plugins:
Optimize Images Through Plugins

Remove Irrelevant, extra, and outdated Plugins and themes:

This is one of the main reason and it is very easy to solve this issue.

Just need to login to your system and check how many plugins need Updates. Also check which are the inactive or extra plugins which you don’t need or without those you can easily do your work.

One of the best thing to remember in this section is to remove the default theme mostly people do not remove default theme and keep those.

GO to the admin dashboard and check the inactive plugins under PLUGIN->INSTALLED PLUGIN->INACTIVE.


Cache Plugin and its configurations:

Now a days there are a lot of cache plugins which you can use to get a speed on your site but the question is how to use these plugins on your site.

I must say configuration of a cache plugin is an important and critical phase. Here are some popular cache plugins.

  1. Ls cache
  2. WP Rocket
  3. Auto Optimizer
  4. Flywheel

You can follow some of these guides to configure these cache plugins.

The Beginner’s Guide to LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress

Find the Best Settings for your Site

Cache Plugin and its configurations:
Cache Plugin and its configurations

Extra and unoptimized CSS and JS:

Using above plugins you can optimize extra CSS and JS but the question is where it came from. Extra CSS come in the Ready made themes so to avoid these better to use a custom theme that gives you the css and js that you needed.

Chose a Good Hosting server:

The best thing and the hard decision to make is the chose of good and reliable server.

If you have a big sized WordPress site and you bought a shared plan that is not a good move at all. There are some things which you need to take care of before buying a server.

  1. Your target location and server location
  2. Your site content and your server capacity
  3. Selection of Server providers
  4. Shared, VPS or dedicated server choice.

These are some steps and thing you need to take care of before doing and looking for speed. these are Factors Affecting WordPress website page Speed. And we also stated how you can remove Factors Affecting WordPress website page Speed.

How to add live chat on WordPress Website – Integrate Tawk.To Live Chat to WordPress

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How to create a New User in CyberPanel?

CyberPanel is next generation hosting control panel. CyberPanel is powered by LiteSpeed Technologies.

In CyberPanel you can create new users easily and allow them access so they can manage their website settings there.

CyberPanel allow three types of user access ADMIN, USER, and RESALLER. You can easily create new account of any type according to the requirement of user.

How to create a new user account in CyberPanel:

The process of creating user, admin and reseller account is same i will tell you where the difference is during creation steps.

Login to your cyberpanel using port 8090.

Step 1:

In left menu go to Users-> CREATE NEW USER or navigate to this URL

Login to your cyberpanel using port 8090

Step 2:

Now Provide the information that need to create new user:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Email
  4. Select ACL ( admin, reseller, user)
  5. Websites Limit (Put 0 for unlimited)
  6. Username
  7. Password (Press Generate for strong)
  8. Security Level (High or Low)
Now Provide the information that need to create new user:

Here in Select ACL you can create the admin, user or reseller permissions. Admin has access for every thing, reseller has less access then admin and at last user has some specific access.

Step 3:

After providing these required information press create a user and user is created successfully now you can see your user by navigating to USERS->LIST USERS. Or visit this URL

https://<your ip>:8090/users/listUsers
you can see your user by navigating to USERS->LIST USERS. Or visit this URL

How to create a staging or clone of the WordPress site from CyberPanel?

How to Transfer the whole Website From one CyberPanel to Other CyberPanel using a backup method?

If you want to transfer your web site from one cyberpanel to any other cyberpanel without losing any data, you are on right place follow this article step by step.

If you are thinking to transfer your site from any other CyberPanel. Maybe you Changed your server. In this article, I will tell you how you can transfer your site from one Cyberpanel to another Cyberpanel. I will use the backup method to transfer the whole website from one CyberPanel to the second Cyberpanel.

Table of Contents:

  1. Create a Backup
  2. Set Permissions or Move Public_html
  3. Download to local Computer or Download on a remote server
  4. Move to the backup folder
  5. Restore Backup
  6. Check through the Host file.

Create a Backup:

To tranfer your website from CyberPanel to CyberPanel this methode is one of the simple and easy method. Follow along with me to setup:

  1. Login to your CyberPanel through your cyberpanel link like https://<your-ip>:8090: Provide credentials and press login.
Login to your CyberPanel

2. Now in the left menu bar Go to the Backup->Create Backup section. You can also navigate to this link. https://<your-ip>:8090/backup/backupSite

Now in the left menu bar Go to the Backup->Create Backup section.

Click on create back up button here.

3. Now cyberPanle asks you to select a site and the destination where the backup will store. The site for which you want to create a backup. Select your website, and leave the path as empty. And press Create back up button to start the backup creation process.

The site for which you want to create a backup

4. Now you can see the process of backup creation is running and in process.

 Now you can see the process of backup creation is running and in process.

wait until it will give you the massage Done. After creation you can see the massage of completed and can see a backup with its id on screen.

After creation you can see the massage of completed and can see a backup with its id on screen.

Done for backup process go to next step.

Set Permissions or Move Public_html:

If you are going to download files from cyber panel to a local computer then skip this step. Now in this step, you need to login to your SSH terminal. Using any software like putty or Bitvise. For this article, I am going to use Bitvise.

  1. Login to Bitvise SSH you must have credentials:
    1. Your server IP
    2. Username (root)
    3. Port number (22)
    4. Password
Login to Bitvise SSH you must have credentials

After providing all details press the Login button. Now open STFP to check and confirm the backup.

open STFP to check and confirm the backup

2. Now go to this path in sfpt

go to this path in sfpt

Here you can use two method one is to change permissions and download this file directly from this path on the remote server and other is move it into the public_html and then download. Second one is recommended.

Change Permission:

Click on the file and the go to Properties->Permissions :

Click on the file and the go to Properties->Permissions

Change the permission to 777 as shown in picture. And press OK

Move to Public_html:

Type this command:

cp /home/ home/

Go and check the file.

Download to local Computer or Download on a remote server:

Now its time to download the file to the local pc or on another server in order to restore the backup. Make sure that the cyber panel is installed on this server.

Download to local computer and then upload:

This way is time taking way but if you dont have credentials fo SSH then go for this.

Go to the Websites->List website

Websites->List website

Press Manage button on the right side of website

Press Manage button on the right side of website

Press Manage button on the right side of website

Press Manage button on the right side of website

Go to the backup folder and Click the file and then click download you can see the file while downloading

click download you can see the file while downloading

Download Remotely using command:

Login to your SSH terminal and type this command if backupfile is in public_html folder:


If backup files are in back folder then type:


Move to backup folder:

Now in order to restore Backup, you have to create a directory backup at home. use these commands to create a backup directory

cd /home
mkdir backup

Restore Backup:

Now its ite to restore backup for this log in to the new cyberpane.

  1. Go to the Backup->Restore backup:
Backup->Restore backup

Select the backup file that you placed inside the backup folder

2. Click start backup I will take some time to restore wait until backup is completed.

 I will take some time to restore wait until backup is completed.

Check through Host file:

At last step confirm that the backup is restored properly foe this open host file from your local computer.

  1. Write Notepad in search bar of window.
Write Notepad in search bar of window.

Open Notepad as administrator

Open Notepad as administrator

Now open the file host place in

Now open the file host place in

Write your new ip and then press TAB then write your site

 press TAB then write your site

Go to your browser and visit your site is working or not.

How to set up Google Drive Backup on CyberPanel?

How to Create a Website and install WordPress on CyberPanel one-click installation?

In this article, I am going to tell you how to install WordPress on CyberPanel. This article is about the one-click installation of WordPress on CyberPanel.

I will briefly describe how to create a website on CyberPanel. And then we will go toward the installation of WordPress on CyberPanel. The main theme is how you can create a website and install WordPress on CyberPanel.

if you are new on CyberPanel and want to know the basic Information and usage of CyberPanel then do not leave the article i will explain some basic at the end of article.

How to create a new Website on CyberPanel?

Creating a website on CyberPanel is very simple and easy. Here the all steps to create a Website on CyberPanel are listed.

Go to the Websites-> Create Website Option in CyberPanel Menu:

Can navigate to this ULR to Create new web site:

 Websites-> Create Website Option in CyberPanel Menu

Provide the following details here

  • Select Package (Default )
  • Select Owner (Admin or any other)
  • Domain name ( without www)
  • Email (Your email address (
  • Select PHP (Latest is recommended )
  • SSL (Always check)
  • DKIM (Always check)
  • Open Basedir Protection (Check )
  • Create Mail Domain (Check if you want to you on same server)
Select Package
Select Owner
Domain name
Select PHP
Open Basedir Protection
Create Mail Domain

After providing all information press Create Website Button. It will take sometime to complete and will show the confirmation massage once its Done.

How to install WordPress on your domain from CyberPanel?

When creation of your website on cyberpanel is done. Time to install WordPress on that site using CyberPanel. Just Follow these steps and do it quickly.

  1. Go to the Websites-> list websites

Can follow this URL to list all websites

How to install WordPress on your domain from CyberPanel?

2. Click the Manage button to navigate to the manage website dashboard

Navigate to this URL to list all websites

Manage button to navigate to the manage website dashboard

3. On the management dashboard to the last section there you found WordPress click on that.

You can also get access the dashboard through this Url

management dashboard to the last section

4. Once you click this button now you can see a screen asking for the WordPress details.

  • Blog Title (Your site Title)
  • Login User (Username)
  • Login Password (Password)
  • Email (your email address)
  • Path (Leave empty )

you can visit this URL to install WordPress.

WordPress details

Just Provide the information and click Install Now. It take some time and your site is there. you can check by visiting your site.

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